A special thanks goes out to my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry for making our honeymoon possible. Thanks to them - we get to enjoy a timeshare condo on Dayton Beach at the Wyndham Ocean Walk Resort!
We are so excited and cannot wait to enjoy all the amenities this wonderful resort has to offer! THANK YOU Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry – we cannot express how grateful we are!



MAiD OF HONOR My sister, Jacquelyn Lowe
Growing up wouldn’t have been the same without having my younger sister there beside me. Though our looks may make us seem like polar opposites… we share a common personality that has made for many interesting memories over the years. Though we’ve had our ups and downs – Jacquelyn has always been my best friend and the one that I knew I’d have standing by my side on my wedding day!

Laura Wallace
Laura and I have been best friends since the first grade. When I was younger I used to say we were like sisters because we both had brown hair and brown eyes and we both had younger sisters with blonde hair and blue eyes. haha. Over the years Laura has become my “sister from another mother.” She’s the one I tell everything to and the one who is always there for me, no matter what. I’m extremely blessed to have her to call my best friend.

Megan Harr
I’ve known Megan since I was in the fourth grade. We didn’t become friends right away, but once we did, we were inseparable. Megan was the friend I probably spent the most time with through school, and the one who always had me laughing. She’s got a heart that’s hard to find in people today and a sweetness that is uniquely hers. She once earned herself the nickname “Pheebs” from the tv show Friends. If you can imagine having a friend as fun-loving as Lisa Kudrow’s character, you’d understand how thankful I am to have Megs as a friend and a bridesmaid.

Dana Amick
Dana and I met during the end of my junior year here at Berea. I was the captain of our intramurals basketball team and she was a free agent that got placed on our team. It wasn’t no time before I fell in love with her and her five year old daughter, Rori. I haven’t been one to make a lot of close friends while I’ve been in Berea, but Dana’s kind hearted and goofy personality has fostered a close friendship between the two of us. One that I am extremely thankful for.

Brock and I met in Berea, KY during an orientation preparing us for our first-year in college. Brock was a long-haired hippie from Pennsylvania. We decided to become roommates our first year and remained that way throughout our tenure at Berea College. Brock turned out to be the most kind hearted, free-spirited, best friend I could have ever imagined. Brock is the type of person that would offer you the shoes off his feet if you had none. He has dedicated his life to the betterment of the world and I expect nothing but phenomenal things to stem from his life work– wherever he decides to settle down.

I’ve known Brian Heath, Jeremy Howell and Colby “Mean Dean” Justice for many, many years now. Beginning around the middle school years we began playing baseball together and traveled together on a few All-Star games across the state. Once high school came around, we became even closer spending our weekends in the woods and places we probably shouldn’t have been. Many friends come and go, but these three in particular will be around for a lifetime.

Brian Heath
Brian and I have been through it all. From baseball to football to landscapin’ to beach trips. Brian has always stood for what he felt was right and has proven to be a true friend for several years now.

Jeremy Howell
Although I may have taught Jeremy a few things throughout these years (or at least allowed him to cheat off my homework), he has taught me many valuable lessons in life. Jeremy’s easy going personality, “game for anything” attitude, and real-world knowledge has been an inspiration and enjoyment.

Colby Dean
Colby Justice is the man. Colby’s attitude towards anything and everything has always been positive. If there is anyone in this world I would want to “have my back” on any issue, it would be Colby Dean. He tells you how he feels and what he thinks and leaves you with nothing but respect for him. Tha man.


Ashten Paige Walls, my beautiful little cousin

Lana Gracyn Blaylock, Tanner's adorable niece

Ring Bearer

Trystan Matthew Amick, my handsome little cousin

How We Met:

Tanner and I took a class together in 2007 – Consumer Decision Making. Tanner was a junior while I was a sophomore. Both of us were only taking the class to fulfill one of Berea College’s required credits, but lucky for us, the class turned out to be more beneficial than we could have ever imagined. Tanner and I never really spoke for most of the semester. Our only comments to each other were a “Hey Tanner” and “Hey there Jenna” in passing around campus. Then one day I gave a group presentation that Tanner was unfortunately absent for. Tanner, being the Casanova that he thought he was, emailed me seeking information on what he had missed that day (like he really cared what he had missed), and that was that. Shortly after, we had a test in the class, and being the nerd that I am, I created a powerpoint of slides to help me study. In hopes of helping others out, I forwarded the study aid on to some of the people I knew in the class and included Tanner. That email led to further emails and facebook messages. It didn’t take long for Tanner to realize that I wasn’t as big a nerd as I may have initially put on, but that I was an outdoorsy girl who loved to fish and may actually be a bit interesting. So, Tanner took the bait and asked me to go fishing one evening. The rest is history… we’ve been hooked on each other ever since! :)