A special thanks goes out to my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry for making our honeymoon possible. Thanks to them - we get to enjoy a timeshare condo on Dayton Beach at the Wyndham Ocean Walk Resort!
We are so excited and cannot wait to enjoy all the amenities this wonderful resort has to offer! THANK YOU Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry – we cannot express how grateful we are!


A little bit about the wedding

Our wedding will be in Berea, Kentucky - for two reasons. First off, it is the place where Tanner and I met – a place that will forever be dear to us. Secondly, Berea is almost a halfway point between both of our homes. So, instead of having it either in North Carolina or Northern Kentucky, we’re having it in between to hopefully better accommodate both of our families.

We are getting married this fall – September 26th. Neither of us wanted a very long engagement. We both figured if we love each other enough to make the commitment to spend the rest of our lives together… why not start as soon as possible! :)

Initially we had talked about getting married on September 28th. That is the anniversary of his parents' wedding – a marriage that we hope to model ours after. However, that day falls on a weekday, and a Monday wedding wasn’t exactly what we had in mind. So, we decided to have it on the 26th! This day is already a special one for us, because it is the same day that Tanner first told me he loved me! (yes, I’m weird like that and remember all kinds of silly dates!)

We will be married at Berea Baptist Church - where Tanner and I are members and have been attending together for quite some time. Our Pastor, Kevin Slemp, will perform the ceremony. We are currently engaged in pre-marriage counseling with him right now, and learning how to build a marriage that will last.

How We Met:

Tanner and I took a class together in 2007 – Consumer Decision Making. Tanner was a junior while I was a sophomore. Both of us were only taking the class to fulfill one of Berea College’s required credits, but lucky for us, the class turned out to be more beneficial than we could have ever imagined. Tanner and I never really spoke for most of the semester. Our only comments to each other were a “Hey Tanner” and “Hey there Jenna” in passing around campus. Then one day I gave a group presentation that Tanner was unfortunately absent for. Tanner, being the Casanova that he thought he was, emailed me seeking information on what he had missed that day (like he really cared what he had missed), and that was that. Shortly after, we had a test in the class, and being the nerd that I am, I created a powerpoint of slides to help me study. In hopes of helping others out, I forwarded the study aid on to some of the people I knew in the class and included Tanner. That email led to further emails and facebook messages. It didn’t take long for Tanner to realize that I wasn’t as big a nerd as I may have initially put on, but that I was an outdoorsy girl who loved to fish and may actually be a bit interesting. So, Tanner took the bait and asked me to go fishing one evening. The rest is history… we’ve been hooked on each other ever since! :)