A special thanks goes out to my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry for making our honeymoon possible. Thanks to them - we get to enjoy a timeshare condo on Dayton Beach at the Wyndham Ocean Walk Resort!
We are so excited and cannot wait to enjoy all the amenities this wonderful resort has to offer! THANK YOU Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry – we cannot express how grateful we are!


A Little Bit About Us!


My name is Jenna Kay Lowe and I am a 22 year old education major at Berea College. I’ll finish up my degree this December once completing my student teaching here in Berea and hopefully begin teaching shortly after.

I was born and raised a river rat of Carrollton, Kentucky – a small town on the northern part of the state line where the Kentucky and Ohio Rivers meet. I have three main loves in life. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My incredibly handsome and ridiculously funny fiancé. And my dysfunctional but uniquely loveable and extended family! Oh and… cooking, fishing, ice cream, massages, hunting, dogs, and Brett Favre. Ok, so maybe that’s more than 3 loves, but the latter are not near as dear to me as the initial three. I’m a big goofball, and love to make people laugh – I get that from my dad. I love kids and cannot wait to have my own some day! I love my church and the wonderful youth I get to work with through the youth ministry program. I hope to continue this ministry throughout my life, for I don’t think there is much that is more rewarding than helping the youth of today develop a closer relationship with our Lord. I love the outdoors and just about any kind of athletic competition. I played basketball from the time I was big enough to hold a ball, and even went on to play two years of collegiate ball here at Berea. Now days I spend my time running the courts and fields of the intramural leagues that Berea has to offer, and love every minute of it.

I have a lot of hopes and ambitions in life: to become a great teacher and truly make a difference in the lives of my students, to be a loving wife and mother to my family, to shoot a deer worth mounting on my wall, to catch a fish worth bragging about, and to eventually beat Tanner in golf! But perhaps my greatest goal of all is to help the ones I love most come to know the love of Christ. Above everything else that makes me, me, I am a Christian and I thank God every day for all that he has blessed me with. I try to be an example to those around me and want to be the best example I can be for my family now, and the one I will create with my soon to be hubby.

I could not be more excited about being a bride-to-be! Not many people are as lucky as I to have found the love of my life at such a young age. I know he will make me happy for the rest of my life, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life making him happy as well.


Cory Tanner Jones – they call me Tanner. Born and raised in Waynesville, North Carolina in the eventful year of ’86. I have one older sibling; my sister, Brandi Blaylock. Brandi now has a lovely family of 3 – Husband, Shannon and their beautiful 2 ½ year old daughter, Lana Gracyn Blaylock. My parents, Matt and Cindy Jones, have all of my appreciation in this world for how they have raised me and the opportunities they have provided me. I will never be able to fully thank them for their unwavering, irreplaceable love.

I grew up in the heart of the Smoky Mountains where God, Church, hunting, fishing, and sports have all played a large role in my life. Memories from each one of those will remain in my heart forever.

After graduating from Tuscola High School as #2 in my class, or was it #52?…regardless, I was awarded a scholarship to attend Berea College in Berea, KY. Although it took a couple years to adjust, it was not long before I realized the small town of Berea was where God had intended me to be.

I was able to meet my lovely, beautiful, amazingly wonderful, soon-to-be wife my Junior year of college. Who would have ever thought… the girl I took fishing on our first date would one day agree to spend the rest of her life with me…amazing how God works, huh? I only regret catching more fish than her on that day –she still hasn’t forgiven me for that.

I'm currently employed by Berea College as the Labor Program Associate. I work with students and their supervisors on a daily basis; serving as a mediator if and when conflicts arise. The job is extremely rewarding day in and day out with the occasional day of not being able to tell someone what they “want” to hear. The experience I am receiving will no doubt play a large role in who and what I become in the future.

So far, my life has been enriching, rewarding, pleasantly exciting and eventful. However, I look forward to the day when I can call Jenna Kay my wife. Together, we hope to create a world of lifelong happiness and inspiration for ourselves and others…

How We Met:

Tanner and I took a class together in 2007 – Consumer Decision Making. Tanner was a junior while I was a sophomore. Both of us were only taking the class to fulfill one of Berea College’s required credits, but lucky for us, the class turned out to be more beneficial than we could have ever imagined. Tanner and I never really spoke for most of the semester. Our only comments to each other were a “Hey Tanner” and “Hey there Jenna” in passing around campus. Then one day I gave a group presentation that Tanner was unfortunately absent for. Tanner, being the Casanova that he thought he was, emailed me seeking information on what he had missed that day (like he really cared what he had missed), and that was that. Shortly after, we had a test in the class, and being the nerd that I am, I created a powerpoint of slides to help me study. In hopes of helping others out, I forwarded the study aid on to some of the people I knew in the class and included Tanner. That email led to further emails and facebook messages. It didn’t take long for Tanner to realize that I wasn’t as big a nerd as I may have initially put on, but that I was an outdoorsy girl who loved to fish and may actually be a bit interesting. So, Tanner took the bait and asked me to go fishing one evening. The rest is history… we’ve been hooked on each other ever since! :)