A special thanks goes out to my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry for making our honeymoon possible. Thanks to them - we get to enjoy a timeshare condo on Dayton Beach at the Wyndham Ocean Walk Resort!
We are so excited and cannot wait to enjoy all the amenities this wonderful resort has to offer! THANK YOU Aunt Kathy and Uncle Jerry – we cannot express how grateful we are!


The Proposal Story

A girl’s wedding day is something she begins dreaming of early on in her life. The proposal to get to that point is always something close to mind too. As a girl who has always wondered how that special moment in my life would be, I can honestly say, nothing that I ever dreamed of was as perfect as the memory Tanner gave me that day!

Perhaps the best part of it all, is that I had absolutely no idea that it was going to happen. Being a girl who knew what she wanted but wasn’t really allowed to mention the “M” word, I had given up on bringing up the topic of marriage. I had known for awhile that Tanner was the one for me, but was just patiently waiting on him to realize the same. I figured Tanner was so scared of marriage though that I had plenty of time to not worry about it. Boy was I wrong!

At the end of January Short Term, bad weather was sending us out of Berea. Tanner and I headed to North Carolina for the weekend. Initially, I wanted to go up north to my home, to see the family and enjoy a little sledding while we had the snow. Tanner had other plans in mind, so we compromised to spend part of wintry break in NC and the latter part in northern Kentucky. Little did I know that he had everything all planned out. I was just obliviously along for the ride.

On the morning of January 29th, I awoke like any other morning at the Jones’ household. I crawled out of bed about 9:00am to find Tanner and Momma Jones sitting in the living room watching tv. Tanner had already been up for while trying to get a hold of my Dad on the phone. He had repeatedly tried in the days leading up to that morning, to call my father and ask him for permission to marry me. Luckily, he finally was able to contact him that morning. And fortunately for me… Dad said yes! :)

Tanner and I planned to do a little hiking and mountain gazing that day, so we headed to the Devil’s Courthouse… just one of NC’s amazing lookouts of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Once we had hiked to the top, Tanner decided that he wanted to take a picture of us. So… we set up the camera on the mini tripod Tanner insisted on bringing along. I should have known something was up right then, because Tanner is never one very willing to take pictures. But, like I said… a marriage proposal was the furthest thing from my mind. Anyways… after taking the picture, Tanner noticed the battery light on my camera was flashing, so he figured if he was going to propose, and get it videotaped as he had planned, he better get to it. So, he hit the record button, ran down to me on the rocks of the lookout, and whipped out a tiny green box. I immediately froze and went into a completely astonished state of shock. As he dropped to one knee… the only words I could muster up were “Are you serious!?!” He followed by saying “Jenna Kay Lowe… I want to spend the rest of my life with you baby. I love you. Will you marry me!?” I, in a totally flabbergasted response, replied by half laughing, half crying. I had joked with him before leaving the house that morning that he was taking me up there to propose.. but honestly had no clue that was his intention. So before even saying yes I said “I was just joking about this!” After a bit more crying, jumping around, and Tanner asking “Is that a yes?” I finally said YES and Tanner slid the gorgeous ring on my finger!

Now I am engaged to the man that I know God created just for me and I have the wonderful memory of his proposal to not only tell people about, but to show them! I couldn’t have dreamt it up any better!

Watch the video!

How We Met:

Tanner and I took a class together in 2007 – Consumer Decision Making. Tanner was a junior while I was a sophomore. Both of us were only taking the class to fulfill one of Berea College’s required credits, but lucky for us, the class turned out to be more beneficial than we could have ever imagined. Tanner and I never really spoke for most of the semester. Our only comments to each other were a “Hey Tanner” and “Hey there Jenna” in passing around campus. Then one day I gave a group presentation that Tanner was unfortunately absent for. Tanner, being the Casanova that he thought he was, emailed me seeking information on what he had missed that day (like he really cared what he had missed), and that was that. Shortly after, we had a test in the class, and being the nerd that I am, I created a powerpoint of slides to help me study. In hopes of helping others out, I forwarded the study aid on to some of the people I knew in the class and included Tanner. That email led to further emails and facebook messages. It didn’t take long for Tanner to realize that I wasn’t as big a nerd as I may have initially put on, but that I was an outdoorsy girl who loved to fish and may actually be a bit interesting. So, Tanner took the bait and asked me to go fishing one evening. The rest is history… we’ve been hooked on each other ever since! :)